Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Gene Therapy: Cancer, update 4/final

Gene Therapy Cancer

Gene Therapy can cause cancer. Like a mice was struck by leukaemia and had become the first animals to die from cancer direct results of bad gene therapy treatment.

 The Risks of gene Therapy
A gene can't easily be inserted directly into our cells. Rather using a vector to deliver the gen to a cell. The most common gene therapy of vectors are called viruses, because it recognize certain cells and carries genetic materials into cell genes. Researchers remove the original disease causing genes from the viruses, replacing them with the gene needed to stop disease.

Figure 1: risk of Gene Therapy
     (this diagram is about images towards  the effects on what will happen if we get cancer from the treatment of Gene Therapy)

The effects of Gene Therapy Cancer are:
  • Unwanted immune system reaction. This may cause inflammation and, in severe cases, organ failure.
  • Targeting the wrong cells. Because viruses can affect more than one type of cells. If this happens, healthy cells may be damaged, causing other illness or diseases, including cancer.
  • Infection caused by the virus. It's possible that once introduced into the body, the viruses may recover their original ability to cause disease.
  • Possibility of causing a tumor. If the new genes get inserted in the wrong spot in your DNA, there is a chance that the insertion might lead to tumor formation. This has occurred occasionally in some clinical trials.
That solution is to use gene therapy as a treatment for many genetic diseases. Like for example brain tumor is forming rapidly dividing cancer cells. the problem whit this is that along with the miracle. In order for gene therapy treatment to succeed, scientists must be able to try to do this treatment carefully by using the right tools and technologies that they are given.
This solution of a gene therapy treatment for caner is beneficial to cure many or any types of genetic diseases to prevent cancer to appear. And another benefits for this treatment is to create a medical technologies in hospitals to get it good use to cure the sickness.   

Figure 2: Data of Genetics Diseases
(this data shows multiple genetics diseases and its high qualities of its dangerous level/ harmful level)

                                                                                           Figure 3: Gene Therapy Technology/ Machine
(this diagram show a scientist testing the Gene Therapy machine, he is testing it to make sure whether its working or its in a bad condition for the Gene Therapy Cancer treatment later)

The experiment of tumor tissue was limited to just around the injection site, in treaty moral injection of the adenoviral vector. In the experiment, tumor cells showed depressed expression of the coxsackie  adenovirus receptor gene in comparison to normal cells . The basic elements if gene therapy consist of therapeutic genes, vectors and strategies. Genes interest can be inserted into various target cells, like immune efector cells, tumor cells and hematopitics stem cell.
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    Figure 4: Gene Therapy Cancer Cycle
(This diagram of a gene therapy cancer cycle is about showing the therapeutic, strategies and vectors explanation of a gene)


Sunday, October 12, 2014

Gene Therapy: Cancer update 3

Introduction to the problem: Gene Therapy towards Cancer

Introducing changes into the wrong cells targeting a gene to the correct cells is crucial the success of any gene therapy treatment. Agene therapy treatment is just ad important, though is making sure that the gene is not going to the wrong cells. Delivering gene to the wrong tissue would be inefficient and it could cause health problems for the patient. Like for example, targeting improperly could incorporate the therapeutic gene into. Patients germ line, or reproductive cells which ultimately produce sperm and eggs. The consequences would be depending on the gene.

Some patients who volunteer this treatments may experience some common symptoms from injection after the treatments like chills, fever, nausea, vomiting and headache. These symptoms are temporary win 48 hours for most patients. Controlling it of infection is important because getting negative immune system responses may reduces the efficacy of gene therapy and make it difficult to repeat the treatment. At this stage of development, gene therapy does not offer a permanent cure for mesothelioma, but in some trials it has demos treated noteworthy short term benefits.

The story of Jesse Gelsinger had illustrates this challenges. He had a rare liver disorder in 1999 in gene therapy trials. Then he died of complication from a inflammatory responses shortly after receiving a dose of experimental retrovirus vector. His death stopped all gene therapy trials I the US for a time, sparking a much needed discussion on how best to regulate experimental trial and report health problems in volunteering patients.

Jesse Gelsinger
Our immune systems are very good at fighting off intruders such as bacteria and viruses. Gene-delivery vectors must be able to avoid the body's natural surveillance system. An unwelcome immune response could cause serious illness or even death.One way researchers avoid triggering an immune response is by delivering viruses to cells outside of the patient's body. Another is to give patients drugs to temporarily suppress the immune system during   treatment. Researchers use the lowest dose of virus that is effective, and whenever possible, they use vectors that are less likely to trigger an immune response.

Figure 1: picture of Jesse Gelsinger                                                                                                            (This picture shows the person of Jesse Gelsinger, the one who have difficulties on a Gene Therapy procedure)                                                                                    http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/genetherapy/gtchallenges/images/jesse.jpg 
Most gene therapies are short lived meaning that a patient need to be under multiple treatments. Therapeutic DNA need to be functional in the long terms and the cell need to be long lived and stable if only if the therapy going to provide a permanent cure. but the difficulties integrating the DNA into the genome combined with the fact that many cells divide so rapidly means a long terms benefits  are a problem to achieve and repeated the treatments that are needed. Disorders arise from on gene mutation are promising candidates fro gene therapy but a lot of the most common disorders like for example  diabetes, heart disease and arthritis are caused by a combination of altered genes making them particularly difficult to treat.

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Gene Therapy treatment offers a great potential alternative to a pacemakers

Gene Theraphy: Cancer Update 2

Limitations of Gene Therapy Cancer

This idea of a new treatment that is Gene Therapy Treatment for a sickness of Cancer or before it is a genetic diseases that they are vey different from normal cells because its more lethal for our body/ its a threat for us humans and any animals.

Numbers of new types of gene therapy treatments are being developed, meaning that the gene are usually taken into the cancer cell by a carrier called a vector. A vector is the most common type of carrier used in a gene therapy are viruses, because those viruses can easily enter cells and deliver genetic materials. the virus changed so they cant cause diseases but they may still cause mild flue like symptoms.

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The problem on gene therapy is that clinical trials, 464 human trial protocols from NIH and FDA had been performed the treatment since may 15 2001 and they received a review. Other categories are HIV infection can be caused by the treatment. Cancer had been the most violent and important disease in the clinical trials of gene therapy, because getting approval for a human trial is easier for cancer than for other genetic disease.

Figure 1: Chart of human Gene Therapy Protocols
(this picture above is about the chart of human Gene Therapy protocols, it shows a pie chart about cancer, infectious, monogenic, marking and others in a human gene therapy protocols)

There had been remarkable development in our understanding of the molecular basis of human cancer and potential of using gene therapy to not only cure cancer but also prevent it. To make gene therapy a standard treatment for cancer patients, scientist have to improve the place and the technologies to perform a gene therapy treatment. But many ethical problems and concerns remains

The importance of a gene therapy are it's strategies in the treatment of malignancies. The fact that there are 823 cancer gene therapy clinical trials worldwide that are active or begin to recruiting patients. Strategies that have proved promising in the in vitro setting have stumble when exposed to the environment. Involving the delivery of plasmid DN that encodes the therapeutic protein product, the field of a gene therapy evolved to encompass not only to deliver of therapeutic DNA but also micro, short hairpin and small interfering RNAs and oligodeoxynucleotides.


The FDA has not yet approved any human gene therapy product sale. Gene therapy is experimental and ha not proven very successful in clinical trials. A little progress has been made since the first gene therapy clinical trials began in 1990. I'm 1999, gene therapy suffered a major setback with the death of a 18 year old Jesse Gelsinger. 

                                                  Video 1: FDA Case of Jesse Gelsinger
(This video above is about a FDA case of Gene Therapy problem of Jesse Gelsinger, its a tragedy case that Jesse Gelsinger needs to do a Gene Therapy procedure to cure his cancer issue)

Another "blow up" came in January 2003, when the FDA placed a stop on all gene therapy treatments trials by using retroviral vectors on blood stem cells. They took this action after knowing that a second child treated in French gene therapy trial had developed a leukemia like condition. Both child and another had a similar conditions in August 2002 had been successfully treated by gene therapy for X linked severe combined immunodeficiency disease also known as bubble baby syndrome. The FDA biological responses modifiers advisory committee met at the end of February 2003 to discuss possible measure that could allow a number of retro viral gene therapy trials for treatments of life threatening diseases and germs to proceed with appropriate safeguards. In April of 3003 the FDA eased the ban on gene therapy trials using retroviral vectors in blood stem cell.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Gene Therapy: Cancer

Find the answers for following questions:
In brief describe about this application (what is it all about?) 
Gene therapy is a treatment that is involving to alter a gene inside of our body's cell' to stop genetic disease.
What are some benefits of this application?
The past 10 years a significant advances had been made in the fields of gene therapy and tumor immunology, they now exists a considerable body of evidence validating the proof in the principle of gene therapy based cancer vaccines.

What are some future improvements which still need to be done to make this application perfect (limitations)?  
Researchers or scientists taught us a lot about designing safe and effective vectors, targeting different types of cells and managing and even minimizing immune responses in patients. They also learned a lot about the disease genes themselves. on this days many clinical trials are underway, where researchers are carefully testing treatments to ensure that any gene therapy brought into the clinic and the trials is both safe and effective.

Video 1: Gene Therapy Cure Cancer
(This video is about Gene Therapy curing Cancer, it show how they do it and what types materials for curing cancer)

What issues (social, economic, ethical, political or cultural) are currently related to the use of this application worldwide? 

Gene therapy researchers has been focusing on treating individuals by targeting the body cells from the therapy like bone marrow or blood cells. Tis type of gene therapy cant be passed on to a persons child gene therapy could be targeted to egg and sperm cells which allows  the inserted gene to passed on to future generations. this is known as germ line gene therapy.

The ideal of a germ line gene therapy is indeed controversial. And it could be spread at the future generation on a family by passing on from having a particular genetic disorder, it might affect the development of the trial of a fetus in unexpected ways or have long term side effects that are not yet known or discovered, because people who would be infected by germ line gene therapy are not yet born, they cant choose whether to have the treatment. This is because of an ethical concerns like the US government don't allow federal funds to be used for research on germ line genes therapy in people.
Ethical Implication of Gene Therapy Cancer:                          

Genes are like a data or a blueprint of a human or any living things body, it provides important information for the cells produce protein and enzymes to control our growth, development and health. A genetic mutations means that a gene contains a variation or "spelling mistakes" that disrupts the genes messages. sometimes the whole or parts of the gene is missing or deleted. these changes could make the gene in bad conditions or faulty. a mutation can occur spontaneously or may be inherited. gene therapy poses risks, like the way the genes that are delivered and the different vectors may present the following risks.

Inherited in one or even both copies of a faulty gene can be possible cause a wide range of conditions such as hemophilia and cystic fibrosis, and can also result as a increased susceptibility to some cancers. gene therapy targets the faulty genes responsible for a genetic condition. gene therapy can be used to replace a faulty gene copies with a working version  or to introduce a new gene that can cures a condition or modified its effects.
The current problem is to find a way to deliver the working version of a gene. One promising techniques is to put the working gene inside a harmless virus, which had most of its own gene removed it hasn't been deactivated.

 Figure 2:  the functions or procedure of Gene Therapy
          (This picture below is about how Gene Therapy works, it shows steps on how it works)                                       