Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Gene Therapy: Cancer, update 4/final

Gene Therapy Cancer

Gene Therapy can cause cancer. Like a mice was struck by leukaemia and had become the first animals to die from cancer direct results of bad gene therapy treatment.

 The Risks of gene Therapy
A gene can't easily be inserted directly into our cells. Rather using a vector to deliver the gen to a cell. The most common gene therapy of vectors are called viruses, because it recognize certain cells and carries genetic materials into cell genes. Researchers remove the original disease causing genes from the viruses, replacing them with the gene needed to stop disease.

Figure 1: risk of Gene Therapy
     (this diagram is about images towards  the effects on what will happen if we get cancer from the treatment of Gene Therapy)

The effects of Gene Therapy Cancer are:
  • Unwanted immune system reaction. This may cause inflammation and, in severe cases, organ failure.
  • Targeting the wrong cells. Because viruses can affect more than one type of cells. If this happens, healthy cells may be damaged, causing other illness or diseases, including cancer.
  • Infection caused by the virus. It's possible that once introduced into the body, the viruses may recover their original ability to cause disease.
  • Possibility of causing a tumor. If the new genes get inserted in the wrong spot in your DNA, there is a chance that the insertion might lead to tumor formation. This has occurred occasionally in some clinical trials.
That solution is to use gene therapy as a treatment for many genetic diseases. Like for example brain tumor is forming rapidly dividing cancer cells. the problem whit this is that along with the miracle. In order for gene therapy treatment to succeed, scientists must be able to try to do this treatment carefully by using the right tools and technologies that they are given.
This solution of a gene therapy treatment for caner is beneficial to cure many or any types of genetic diseases to prevent cancer to appear. And another benefits for this treatment is to create a medical technologies in hospitals to get it good use to cure the sickness.   

Figure 2: Data of Genetics Diseases
(this data shows multiple genetics diseases and its high qualities of its dangerous level/ harmful level)

                                                                                           Figure 3: Gene Therapy Technology/ Machine
(this diagram show a scientist testing the Gene Therapy machine, he is testing it to make sure whether its working or its in a bad condition for the Gene Therapy Cancer treatment later)

The experiment of tumor tissue was limited to just around the injection site, in treaty moral injection of the adenoviral vector. In the experiment, tumor cells showed depressed expression of the coxsackie  adenovirus receptor gene in comparison to normal cells . The basic elements if gene therapy consist of therapeutic genes, vectors and strategies. Genes interest can be inserted into various target cells, like immune efector cells, tumor cells and hematopitics stem cell.
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    Figure 4: Gene Therapy Cancer Cycle
(This diagram of a gene therapy cancer cycle is about showing the therapeutic, strategies and vectors explanation of a gene)


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